49 Days
It all started on the week of March 8th. As usual she came to work and she was all happy that she had, on the weekend, just got her first vaccine shot. She was supposed to be feeling powerful with the new protection just earned but something was not right, she was not feeling right.
Sat down on the reception couch and a friend came to help. She was not feeling right and almost fainting. We told her to go back home, rest and that all would be gone in a couple of hours. We all believed that it was the vaccine reaction. Couldn’t we be more wrong.
A couple days went by and she wasn’t getting better, went to the ER and they sent her away because she didn’t had a fever. The situation wasn’t getting better and a few days later, she tried the ER again and this time she was admitted to the hospital. That was March 18th almost 10 days past the 1st symptom.
What we didn’t knew back then was that she had probably contracted COVID prior the vaccine shot but only felt the symptoms after it. COVID hit hard. Did the damage equivalent of an explosion inside her body and that was just the beginning.
A long marathon fighting COVID had started. Medications, exams, constant poking into the arms, measurements, lack of sleep, visitors restrictions, went on day by day. All of the worse symptoms of COVID was now going on and with them all of the necessary treatments including time at the ICU.
From the outside we were following it all, as much as we could, but helpless. We did what we could to help her family. From finding funds to help with the pilling up bills to asking everyone we knew for prayers. Yet it was not enough.
About a month in things started getting better, COVID was not a concern anymore and she was back at a normal room. Unfortunately, it had done its damage. The liver was failing and a transplant was needed and diabetes was now a reality. Ammonia was rising into the body at levels so absurd that it didn’t seem real.
She started fading and collapsed. She was now back at the ICU trying to diminish the ammonia levels. This was when we looked up and asked God for help. It is hard to accept that a friend is on the brink of death.
One day her husband calls and tells that they are signing the DRO (do not resuscitate order). Hope now seems lost. Hearst were broken and the world seemed a little sadder. At this point she was in a comma state. She could follow people with the eyes but that was it.
A couple days after this call we received news that she was speaking, with difficulties again. We all rejoiced. It was a good feeling knowing that our friend didn’t give in and was fighting hard and that God was looking for us but sometimes God has other plans.
49 days after she was first admitted to the hospital she passed away with her family near her. 49 days fighting. 49 days suffering. 49 days too long.
For us there is comfort in knowing that at least we knew someone that was pure heart in this life. Someone that would go above and beyond just to do what was right and good. It is rare to find souls like this.
In behalf of all of your friends, good bye dear friend. We will miss you. May your soul rest in the peace of God.
P.S. For everyone reading that is thinking in not taking the vaccine please know this: the doctors mentioned that if she was fully immunized this wouldn’t happen. If you are not taking the vaccine for you, take it for someone you love.