The fragility of life — Parkland Shooting
Today was a hard day and up to some point, a lot harder than any other day. Issues at work, some other problems here and there, but all became so small when a major tragedy hit the city that I live in.
I happen to live in one of the safest cities of United States and that was broken by a mass shooting. A kid, for whatever reason, went to a high school and opened fire killing, up to this moment, 17 life’s.
My kids study nearby and their school immediately went to a lockdown. What I didn’t know then was that you also enter in a lockdown state but a lockdown of not knowing. At that moment cell phone towers are all busy and just getting something as simple as: everyone is ok.
Doesn’t matter how hard your day is, when something like this happens you see how fragile is life and doesn’t matter where you are, you can’t take things for granted.
When I received the news of the shooting I was on a critical meeting. At that moment, the issue that was so critical, wasn’t critical anymore. The safety of my kids became my concern and the weight of the lack of information sunk in. It is a heavy weight to carry.
My relief came when I learned that my kids were ok and the shooter was under custody. Unfortunately not every parent had the same luck, especially those parents who kids were in Stoneman Douglas.
Stories of little miracles appear and stories of complete terror as well. The whole area is a war zone. Ambulances, Fire Department, Police, FBI. There are so many lights that you can’t figure out what is what.
Parents in complete shock, parents looking for information, desperation and relief. All in one scene. Honestly it is something that I can’t describe even if I could.
I honestly don’t know why this kid did this and I can’t understand it. It is sad and depressing.
I don’t know where you are right now, but I’m here asking for a little favor from you that only takes a minute. PRAY. Pray just for a little bit. Today there is a lot of people that are in need of miracles.
Thank you.