Times of War

Cristiano D. Silva
2 min readOct 10, 2017


We live in times of war, but not the war that we commonly are aware of. War of nations against nations, war of religion against religion, war of citizens against terror. It is a different war, a war against the what we know as family.

This has being going on for a while. Attack after attack there is a need of split families and make them fight each other. Each family member finds a clique that he is more comfortable with and then fight each other to see who is right.

This cliques becomes groups, groups becomes larger groups, communities and so on until they get to a point where the groups have to fight each other for space and to determine who is right.

This is the war that I’m talking about. It is a lot worst than terror because it does happens on a daily basis. Concepts are shown on tv, magazines, news, media, social media and our kids, ourselves are drawn into it, forgetting where we came from and who is our family.

To understand how deeply this can go, take a look on the current situation of Brazil. The whole society structure is gone. The family as we know struggles to survive the majority of the groups and the concepts they throw around. Things like children touching naked man being art.

You might not believe that this is happening in US, but it is. It has been happening for a long time and now is getting worst. We all lose with this war, there are no winners.

Here in US we are seeing this war rising in social media such as twitter and on the news and I think the most recent one, that is worth mentioning, is the NFL players kneeling. That little discussion, that could be solved simply by talking and getting to common agreement is splitting the nation and it will get worst if other groups join it.

If you think it won’t affect you, just remember this: a split society is easy to manipulate and control. Do you want to be manipulated and controlled? I sure don’t.

Eyes open. Those who owns the information can also manipulate it to their best interests.



Cristiano D. Silva
Cristiano D. Silva

Written by Cristiano D. Silva

#PhP Software Engineer, entrepreneur on #spa and #rejuvenation business (#bodybrowbar) and #photographer enthusiast.

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